My Daily Business

Online Courses


Marketing for Your Small Business

Ready to stop Googling everything and spending hours on YouTube? Our focus is on practical steps you can take immediately to grow your business, alleviate stress and get more exposure. 

We Know What Gets Results

We have worked with and taught more than 1,000 small business owners across the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Germany and Spain!


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My Daily Business is a consultancy that helps business owners (and their teams) understand, create, analyse and improve their marketing, branding, content and overall business strategies. The business was founded by Fiona Killackey in 2015.

Fiona has almost two decades experience working with large and small brands in senior content and marketing roles and has also been a published journalist since 2002. Fiona was raised by incredible parents who promoted education and kindness as two of the most important facets of life. It’s these beliefs that fuel My Daily Business - which offers free education via daily Instagram posts and an insightful weekly email, as well as affordable public workshops and eBooks and custom consulting and business coaching packages.

We treat our incredible clients and customers (many of whom are creative small business owners) with respect and kindness (#onelove) which is why 98% of our work comes through referrals and recommendations.

Feel free to reach out to us at anytime via the email [email protected] or send us a DM on the ‘gram.


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